Wes, Eneasz, and David keep the rationalist community informed about what’s going on outside of the rationalist community
News discussed:
The Hugo Committee itself was responsible for the censorship, doing it voluntarily and preemptively!
Intuitive Machines is now the first commercial outfit to put a spacecraft on the Moon.
Sweden’s bid to join NATO has been officially ratified. The Baltic is officially Lake NATO
Also Russia is going to nuke us from spaaaaaace!
Trump business fraud verdict: $355 million!
Trump: “it’s a form of Navalny”
Egypt is building a border wall w Gaza. no word on if they’ll make the Gazans pay for it
Israel launched strikes in Lebanon in response to rocket attacks by Hezbollah
Alabama made IVF illegal in its borders.(e)
Air Canada must honor refund policy invented by airline’s chatbot
Nikki Haley got 40% of the vote in South Carolina
Google’s new AI “Gemini” had its image-generation turned off due to unexpected results. Yishan argues this is AI misalignment, but Days argues this is intentional and the only “unexpected” part was the backlash
Happy News!
Greece legalises same-sex marriage
Guatemala did a reverse Jan 6th!
World's largest supply of lithium found beneath California's Salton Sea. Could meet America's demand for decades to come (at current rates?). AND discovery of 2.34 billion metric tons of rare-earth elements near Wheatland, Wyo., is estimated to be the richest in the world
Chris Anderson describes it as “DELICIOUS. Succulent, moist, the right texture. Chicken as it should be.”
program launching this month allocated 250,000 Swiss francs, or roughly $285,000 US, to pay reviewers to find mistakes in influential scientific papers
Scott Alexander gives Bet On Love team permission to do Unsong Musical
Eneasz - Luck is Other People's Work
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Intro/outro music: On Sale by Golden Duck Orchestra
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