Wes, Eneasz, and David keep the rationalist community informed about what’s going on outside of the rationalist community
News discussed:
The Free Press says this is Israel’s 9/11
They randomly massacred a music festival, taken many hostages
“Declare a humanitarian interest in liberating Gaza from Hamas' theocratic military dictatorship”
Madmen march in support of murder-rape
US shot down an armed Turkish drone that came within 500 meters of troops
Turkey has been striking Kurdish separatists
Trump org found guilty of fraud, lost its business license
Cowards refuse to recognize art
Anthropic - patterns of neuron activations map to “Features” which separately represent things
Anthropic CEO and Co-Founder says there’s a 75-90% chance that humanity won’t be wiped out by AIs!
Walmart says users of weight loss drugs are buying less food
Wood structure aged 476,000 yrs old found
FDA Delenda Est!! Why won’t you let old people be happy??
Happy News!
Nobel Prizes awarded last week
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Intro/outro music: On Sale by Golden Duck Orchestra
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