Wes, Eneasz, and David keep the rationalist community informed about what’s going on outside of the rationalist community
News discussed:
Coroner’s report (Cu2S (known impurity in LK-99) has a first-order phase transition around 378 K accompanied by a large resistivity drop)
Israeli Knesset banned “reasonableness” standard, but nothing further yet
Clarence Thomas is even more corrupt
Reason on common misconceptions about Trump indictment
Jack Smith has Trump’s Twitter DMs
Ohio rejected Republican attempt to rig referendums
DeSantis proposes making student loan debt dischargable via bankruptcy
OpenAI and many others are bottlenecked by lack of GPUs right now
Richard Hahahania not canceled by HuffPo
Eneasz - Anti-tech is necessarily pro-slavery
Happy News!
Cultured Meat approved for sale in US
US suicide rate down to 1960’s levels
Net result cutting 35% of the climate impact of commercial flights if implemented!
US carbon-per-capita down to WW1 levels
Robotor, the automated chisel. Users feed data, it makes detailed marble and stone sculptures.
CA approves robot taxi (of the four accidents reported, all of them are fake news)
Got something to say? Come chat with us on the Bayesian Conspiracy Discord or email us at themindkillerpodcast@gmail.com. Say something smart and we’ll mention you on the next show!
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Intro/outro music: On Sale by Golden Duck Orchestra
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