Wes, Eneasz, and David discuss the news from the last two weeks from a rationalist perspective
News discussed:
Democrats agreed on environmental/inflation bill
Airfield in Crimea spontaneously combusts
Also, a conscript barracks in Moscow caught fire. No casualties reported.
Also, a Belarusian air force base also spontaneously combusted
Secret Service deleted all their texts from around 1/6
Outgoing Pentagon officials also had phones wiped
Equifax glitch misreported credit scores for millions by up to 130 points. Class action lawsuit now.
PredictIt being shut down by Feds
Trump endorsed “Eric” in Missouri Republican primary
United Mine Workers of America to pay more than $13 million in compensation to an Alabama coal company
Nebraska teen and mother facing charges for DIY abortion at 28 weeks, cops using Facebook messages as evidence
Texas statute probably limits punitive damages to $750K
Happy News!
Kansas abortion amendment got crushed
The thrice-damned NRC approved NuScale Power’s small, modular reactor designs
7yr old saves 3yr old from drowning
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Intro/outro music: On Sale by Golden Duck Orchestra
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