News discussed:
native Australians are being put in camps. Thisisfinedog.png
Merry Christmas! Omicron is here!
Andrew Lilley estimates it has ⅓ the virulence of Delta
Per Mason, Molnupiravir caused such significant harm to fetuses in animal models that Merck has suggested ensuring contraceptive use during *and* after treatment.
Fauci repeatedly insisted during a May Senate hearing that the NIH “has not ever, and does not now fund, gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”
Facui & Collins “colluded” on “takedown” of Great Barrington Declaration
Taiwan confirms researcher infected with COVID in lab
Biden says they are going to focus on voting rights
New vulnerabilities popping up, but not quite as bad
Belgium’s defense ministry said it shut down parts of its computer network due to log4j attack
RNC Pride was formally rolled out at a Log Cabin Republicans gala at Mar-a-Lago, gets pushback from religious asshats, some backtracking from RNC, but they’re sticking with it
California is planning a Texas-style gun law
The WTA is not buying China’s line on Peng Shuai
Happy News!
Growing new pancreas cells from unprogrammed stem cells has possibly cured a man of type 1 diabetes.
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Pocket Casts:
Intro/outro music: On Sale by Golden Duck Orchestra
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